When I was much younger, I dreamed of being a ballerina. Blame it on Sunday With The Arts, a Sunday TV program that featured dance and music. I was entranced by the dancers and determined that that was what I'd be. Unfortunately, not having any dance training precluded me becoming a prima ballerina.
Ms. Bey questioned my sanity! She asked me if I really wanted in on the mess that was Musical Theatre. 20+ years as an actor and singer and my answer remains the same: YES
I also loved to sing along to the records my parents bought. From Jackson Five to Bobby Vinton; Elton John to Funkadelic. Singing into a hairbrush was my favourite past time.
Since I'd shown such an interest in singing, I was connected with Salome Bey, thru my high school's mentorship program. She was rehearsing a musical she'd written, Rainboworld! Watching them sing, act & dance was the beginning of my obsession with musical theatre. I begged to be included in the cast (I was much more fearless then!).